Significantly Integrating Technology


We now live in a technology driven world. There are endless resources that can be implemented into classrooms that help teach students on every subject. By becoming aware of these resources, you can integrate them into your lessons and help students become more engaged.


A practical way to use Educational technology is to go online and find one of the many resources that can be easily just integrated right into your lesson. One example of my favorite, is to create an interactive quiz. Kahoot is an awesome resource to create a free online quiz, that get students engaged and allows for the teacher to assess what the students have learned.  This can be used in any subject as well!



There are resources outside of the internet as well. A cool option to get students engaged and to connected with a subject is through Virtual Reality. Students can feel encompassed in a subject when they are seeing it all around them, and can feel hand on through a technology simulation.


It is also important that we are integrating technology into the classroom that is going to be actually beneficial for students, and not just distracting. Although giving a child a tablet may be scary because children are so easily distracted, using resources like augmented and virtual reality is going to be beneficial in the long run because being hands on and seeing with your own eyes is going to be more beneficial when being tested later on.



Social Studies-

Technology is becoming increasingly important in schools nowadays as well. Students need the skills in technology to be prepared for their future careers. Here are some practical ways to integrate technology in the classroom and why it is so important!